16- Islamic Approach to Philosophy of Religion Compared with the Western One
Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 25(3), 63-82. doi: 10.22091/jptr.2023.9679.2924 |
1424 بازدید
15- "Coronavirus Crisis and Philosophizing
Journal of Philosophical Investigations, University of Tabriz, Volume 15, Issue 36 - Serial Number 36, Autumn 2021, Pages 132-141 |
1109 بازدید
14- Characteristics of an Islamic View of Cyber-Ethics
Journal of Philosophical-Theological Research, Vol.22, No.3, Serial No. 85, Autumn 2020, Pp. 35-49. |
1954 بازدید
13-براهین علم الکونیات بحث مقارن بین الرویتین الغربیه و الاسلامیه
الاستغراب، رقم 7، لبنان، ربیع 2017. ص 223 الی 245 |
6874 بازدید
12-نظریة الوجود بین الوجودیة و اصالة الوجود، دراسة مقارنة بین هیدغر و ملاصدرا
الاستغراب، رقم 5، لبنان، خریف 2016. ص 214 الی 248 |
6640 بازدید
11- A Comparison between Existence in Existentialism and Sadraean Principality of Existence
Hamidreza Ayatollahy; Ishraq (Illumination), Islamic Philosophy Yearbook, Moscow, No.6, 2015 |
8567 بازدید
10- اشکالية الدين و الدولة في العالم الاسلامي غير العربي
حمیدرضا آیت اللهی؛ شؤون الاوسط، ذوالحجه 1427، العدد 125، من صفحه 89 الی 97. |
8894 بازدید
09- Divine Justice According to Allama Mutahhari and Said Nursi
Hamidreza Ayatollahy; Ishraq (Illumination), Islamic Philosophy Yearbook, Moscow, No.4, 2013. |
9214 بازدید
09 - An Analysis of Kant’s Viewpoint on Necessity as a Logical and Non-Existential Condition
Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants, edited by Valerio Rohden, Ricardo R. Terra, Guido A. de Almeida and Margit Ruffing, Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 2008, pp. 91-98. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110210347.4.91 |
596 بازدید
08- Interaction of Islamic and Western Philosophies
Hanmidreza Ayatollahy; Ishraq (Illumination), Islamic Philosophy Yearbook, Moscow, No.1, 2010 |
9047 بازدید
08 -Divine Ontological Necessity
” in Christian Kanzian and Muhammad Legenhausen (eds.) Proofs for the Existence of God: Contexts, Structure, Relevance, Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck, Austria, 2008. pp. 81-91. |
596 بازدید
07- The Relation between Religion and the State: An Islamic Point of View
Hamidreza Ayatollahy; Journal of Shi’a Islamic Studies, Volume 1 Number 2, April 2008, pp. 40-51. |
9309 بازدید
06- The Role of Media in the Threats and Opportunities of Globalization for Religion
Hamidreza Ayatollahy; Journal of Media and Religion, Volume 7 Issue 1&2 January 2008, pp.34–44. |
9314 بازدید
05- Remarks on Comparative Philosophy: Islamic and Western Philosophies
Hamidreza Ayatollahy; Falsafeh, The Iranian Journal of Philosophy, University of Tehran, Vol.36, No.3, Autumn 2008, pp. 91-102. |
10205 بازدید
05- Evaluation of Philosophical Foundations of Hobbs and Locke’s Views on Peace
in In Quest of Peace, Intaj Malek and Yajneshvar Shastiri (eds.), Bharatiya kala Prakashan Publication, Delhi, India, 2006, pp. 136-141. |
674 بازدید
04- The Iranian Philosophical Trend in Its Present and Past Culture
Hamidreza Ayatollahy; Divinatio, Vol. 24, Autumn-Winter 2006. |
9842 بازدید
04 - Islam and Globalization
in International Encyclopedic Dictionary of Global Studies, Alexander N. Chumakov, William C. Gay and Ivan I. Mazour (eds.), Moscow, 2006. |
663 بازدید
03- Philosophy in Contemporary Iran
Hamidreza Ayatollahy; Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, Volume 62, Number 2-4, April-December 2006. (International indexed journal in Philosopher's Index) |
9532 بازدید
02- The Principality of Existence and the Problem of Evil
Hamidreza Ayatollahy; Journal of Islamic Philosophy, Vol. 2 No. 1, spring 2006, Cambridge. |
9819 بازدید
01- Liveliness of Philosophy in Iran
Hamidreza Ayatollahy; C.I.E. Journal. (Center for Islam in Europe), Vol.2, No. 1-2, University of Gent, Belgium, September 2000. |
9632 بازدید